Women Power

Have you ever noticed or experienced differences in how you were treated because of your sex? When experiencing those things, you should be strong just like the powerful women ages ago. Years ago, women were generally trapped in their homes and would only perform domestic chaos and duties. The roles as housewives were to hear children, take care of the young ones as well as submitting to the husbands. They were controlled, they weren't allowed to just do the things that they were interested in. 

A lot of women are moms/housewives in their homes. I believe that just like roles of women ages ago, they're really doing their very best on fulfilling their duties. I'll use crown to symbolize their hardships as a woman. This crown is like their biggest achievement as a powerful woman that they could proudly bring wherever they go. 

As years pass by, many things change. Women can also have professional jobs now. They're proving that women can also do the things that a man can do and that they have the rights on picking the jobs they want to have. A lot of women are health professionals in our world. Many of them are frontliners in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic which make them heroes. Despite knowing the current situation that we are in, they're still risking their lives for us just to make us safe. 

I believe that every woman who works hard and who's willing to sacrifice everything for what she knows right is deserving to have a crown no matter what job or occupation she has. The invisible crown they have on their head is their hardships that will remind that they are strong and powerful enough to fight for their rights as a woman. I know that a lot of woman are doing everything they can to support and empower their fellow woman,  and that makes them even more powerful. 

"She was powerful not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear."

Today, more than ever, women are enjoying freedom. They can decide on their own. However, there are still some people who degrades women. Downgrading women shouldn’t be happening. Women have the right to be loved and respected for who they are. I hope that the world would be more aware that women are so important in life. No matter where we are, we should inspire and empower women around us.
