Give Love

Valentine’s Day is mostly considered as an international festival celebrating the feeling of love. More than just being a day for the lovers, the day holds bigger importance. It is a day to show and express our love to anyone. When we love our parents, we fail to express it sometime. So, the day is a chance to express our love for our parents, for our family members, and for our friends and closed ones.

However, Valentine’s Day celebrates the bond and the relationship between people. It is a day which teaches us how we should express our love, care and respect for anyone who is important in our life. It helps us to feel happy about our loved ones. It is a day when people tell their loved ones – boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, friends and family – how much they mean to them. Valentine does not mean they would be only a boyfriend or a girlfriend but the person who is more important than any other one in your life is your Valentine for someone it can be his/her father, his/or brother or sister and for someone, Valentine can be his/her best friend. While Valentine’s Day itself is celebrated with chocolates, candies, flowers and heart-shaped gifts, the week leading up to it is also celebrated as the week of love. It is a time when love is all around. It also shows us the importance of happiness we feel when we are around the ones who matter to us.

Since Valentine’s Day is all about love, one should make it a point to spread love around them. On this Valentine’s Day, let us do something that would make people around you feel happy. Valentine’s Day is all about showing and expressing your love and doing things that would make someone feel that they are loved. Spreading love is what Valentine’s Day is all about.


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