Importance of Earthquake Drills


    As the saying goes “Practice makes perfect” and it applies to anything that we want to get better at; the same is true for emergency preparedness. Even though emergencies are unpredictable and unexpected, we should do our best to prepare as generally as possible. Then, when a real emergency happens, we can rely on our knowledge and training, and adjust according to the situation in front of us. The best way to practice for emergencies, is by running regular practice drills.

    During a damaging earthquake, life protecting actions must be taken immediately. There will not be time to decide what to do next; everyone must already know how to react appropriately. After an earthquake, further life protecting actions such as emergency evacuation or first aid administration may be necessary; well-trained staff and students will guarantee that these crucial steps are taken as quickly as possible. Earthquake drills and exercises are an extremely important part of your preparedness plan because they 1) teach students, staff and parents how to respond to the complications of an actual earthquake, and 2) help you evaluate how well all parts of your emergency plan work together, and how well your staff and students have been trained.

    It’s really important to have earthquake drills because it allows you to see how well things operate and to correct any problems. It helps you to become aware on things that might be able to happen when experiencing earthquakes. And participating on it will also help me and my loved ones understand what to do in an earthquake.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Hazeroth! I strongly agree with you about how earthquake drills can teach and correct things necessary in order for us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Nice work and God bless!

  3. Content-worthy! You cited helpful tips about Emergency procedure that makes your article beneficial for all in terms of survival. Great job and keep it up!

  4. Hi Hazeroth! I agree that earthquake drills are extremely important to be aware of the appropriate actions that must be taken immediately. Earthquakes are damaging and inevitable so we always need to be ready. Being prepared is the best way to survive in these unexpected situations.


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